Diversity & Inclusion Experts
France and abroad
« Ever tried. Ever failed.
No matter. Try again.
Fail again. Fail better. »Samuel Beckett
Diversity & Inclusion
Consulting and Training
At Just Different, we are convinced that having diverse employees in an inclusive environment is simply “normal”.
We also believe that innovation cannot exist without diversity, “true” diversity, a diversity of ideas, of perspectives. For this to exist, an organisation needs diverse people, who are allowed and encouraged to express their diverse ideas. This is what inclusion brings. This goes beyond the standard categories that D&I policies tend to focus on.
Our consulting and training experts help you engage ALL your employees in this different approach to diversity and inclusion.
Why work with
Just Different?
Just Different has been supporting many French and international organisations in their diversity policy since 2009.
Its know-how is based on the many years of experience in training and managing diversity of its founder Pete Stone.
Pete is a recognised expert in Diversity and Inclusion. He works with all types and sizes of companies and is a charismatic public speaker.
Over the years, Pete Stone has surrounded himself with a network of diverse and complementary partners. Just Different is thus in a position to provide solutions for all diversity and inclusion issues.
Pete Stone, founder
Pete is an expert in Diversity & Inclusion. He has been supporting companies in their D&I policies since 2009.

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